Prioritising Infection Control: Our Winter Season Commitment


As we embrace the arrival of the Winter months, a time when viruses tend to proliferate, we want to reassure our valued patients that their health and safety remain our top priority here at Tower Hill Dental Practice. With our dedicated team of health professionals continuously interacting with the public, maintaining strict rules and protocols for infection control is imperative. Your well-being, as well as that of our staff, is of paramount importance to us.

In our unwavering dedication to infection control, we have implemented a comprehensive set of policies and procedures to ensure the most effective preventative measures, especially as we navigate the challenges of Winter. When you visit our practice, you can rest assured that we have taken every possible step to keep you safe and healthy.

High-Level Infection Control: We have adopted a rigorous infection control regimen to keep our environment safe. Expect clinical staff to wear face masks.

Minimised Waiting Times: To reduce your exposure to others, we work diligently to minimise waiting times in our reception area.

Healthcare Assessment: 48hrs before your appointment due date, you will receive a text or email from our team to access our Patient Portal.

COVID Screening: Prior to arriving at our practice, you’ll have received a COVID screening form to complete via the Patient Portal or a telephone call.

Hand Sanitising: We have provided antiseptic hand gel for your use, promoting hand hygiene.

We kindly request that all our patients cooperate in our efforts to maintain a safe environment.

If you are not feeling well or need to cancel your appointment for any reason, please let us know in advance. In cases of confirmed or suspected COVID-19, we urge you not to come to the practice. Instead, call us immediately, and our dedicated team will provide you with the necessary guidance and support. This proactive communication is crucial in helping us manage our schedule and protect the health of all patients and staff.

For our vulnerable patients, we have gone a step further in implementing additional protocols. If you consider yourself a vulnerable patient, we encourage you to reach out to our team. We are more than willing to accommodate your specific needs, ensuring your safety and comfort. As part of this effort, we prioritise offering our vulnerable patients the first appointment of the day, further minimising any potential risks.

Your health is our primary concern. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care while maintaining a safe and reassuring environment for everyone. Together, we can navigate the challenges of the Winter season with confidence and peace of mind. This commitment is embedded in our core values, and it’s a reflection of our promise to you.

We sincerely appreciate the trust you place in us for your healthcare needs, and we look forward to serving you with the utmost care and professionalism. Your health and safety are our guiding principles, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

For further information and guidance, please call the practice on 01422 833331.

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